Install Software

Install Anaconda and Jupyter Lab

Follow these steps to download and install Anaconda:

  1. Browse to

  2. Dowload the installer for your operating system.

  3. Install Anaconda. Please watch the video below that corresponds to your operating system. The videos answer common questions regarding installation of Anaconda. You want to install Anaconda in your path. You want your path to include the Anaconda folder so you can launch Jupyter Lab from any working folder on your computer.

For Windows 10

For Mac

How to Use Anaconda Navigator

Anaconda Navigator comes with Python and the most commonly used compatible machine learning packages so you don't have to install them separately. It also allows you to update libraries. Video Overview of How to use Anaconda Navigator. The navigator provides the following:

  • An easy way to install and update packages.

  • Over 200 packages currated and installed with Anaconda Navigator. These packages will automatically work with other installed packages.

  • An easy way to download and install new packages that are not part of the Anaconda Navigator set.

  • Create your own environments with the packages that you want.

Downloading and Installing SAS JMP

Download SAS JMP. There is a different installer for Windows and Mac. Also, download the corresponding license. Install the software and apply the license.