Defining Consumer Behavior and Its Importance

1.1 Defining Consumer Behavior Transcript
T-Shirt Scenario

Imagine you were just hired as a Marketing Director for a startup T-shirt company. Your CEO tells you that the company has gotten very few sales, and she can’t understand why. You study the company’s current marketing strategy and immediately discover that it has left out one crucial component: consumer behavior.

Defining Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior interrelates with all marketing activities. Companies often focus solely on consumer behavior at the time of purchase. However, consumer behavior is much more complex than a single-instance issue. We must also understand how consumers behave while they select, use, and dispose of our products, services, and experiences. Other key factors of consumer behavior include where, when, why, how much, how long, and how often someone consumes a product or service.

While consumer behavior directly connects to psychology, it also delves into the fields of sociology, anthropology, ethnography, and economics. Internal psychological and personal factors as well as external sociological and environmental influences such as family, culture, peers, and media greatly impact how a consumer behaves.

Figure 1.1: Internal factors and external influences on consumer behavior.

Meet the Customer

We use the term consumer behavior rather than customer behavior because customers have the option of reselling the products or services they purchase. Customers are always the individual entities or organizations that buys your goods, but they may not necessarily use them. In other words, an uncle who buys his favorite nephew a Beatles T-shirt as a birthday gift is our customer, not our consumer.

Meet the Consumer

Let’s say that the uncle likes our Beatles T-shirt so much that he decides to buy one for himself and attend a Beatles cover band concert with his nephew. In this scenario, he has moved in our supply chain from a customer just exchanging money with us to an end user wearing our apparel. As marketers, we want to initially attract our customers, but we must always remember who our customers’ end user is when we create our marketing strategy.

Importance of Consumer Behavior

“Most of us spend more time buying and consuming than we do working or sleeping. We consume products such as cars and fuel, services such as haircuts and home repair, and entertainment such as television and concerts. Given the time and energy we devote to consuming, we should strive to be good at it.”1

With 66% of consumers expecting companies to understand their needs and expectations, marketers must be more than good at grasping the importance of consumer behavior; we must excel at it.2 So how do marketers find success with their products and services through consumer behavior? We must understand several key concepts:

  • Every consumer has different thought processes and attitudes.

  • A consumer’s thought processes and attitudes evolve with changing trends.

  • Every consumer has unique likes, dislikes, and expectations.

Marketers who master these concepts can make better decisions in these eight areas:3

  1. Differentiating Consumers. When you group together consumers with similar demographics and needs, you can better design and target your marketing campaigns.

  2. Retaining Consumers. Companies may excel at understanding consumer behavior to attract new customers but fail to leverage consumer behavior to encourage customers to repeat purchases of products and services. Understanding consumer behavior will help companies identify products similar to a consumer’s past purchases.

  3. Designing Marketing Campaigns. Marketing campaigns designed without consumer behavior in mind will not be able to stand out in a competitive advertising landscape. When you understand customer motives and target groups, you can create better responsive logos, promotions, and packaging.

  4. Predicting Marketing Trends. Both emerging and seasonal consumer behavior trends can shift and inform decision-making about new product launches, merchandising initiatives, and campaigns.

  5. Gaining Competitive Advantage. You can analyze why consumers are purchasing from your competitors to identify what specific features of your products and services you need to improve. Conversely, you can also identify areas where your products and services are excelling compared to your competitors and leverage those areas in marketing campaigns.

  6. Innovating New Products. Seventy-six percent of new product launches fail.4 Conducting focus and test groups on consumer behavior can help marketers understand how to better develop new product branding and messaging before their official launch.

  7. Staying Relevant in Your Market. Continuously listening to your consumers’ evolving needs as they sift through a sea of growing choices will ensure that your company stays relevant to the benefits consumers are seeking in products.

  8. Improving Your Customer Service. Customer service is not one-size-fits-all. Creating an individualized customer service strategy according to consumer demographics and needs will ensure a higher percentage of purchases.

Consumer behavior analysis is a vital tool for understanding your customers. Exploring consumer psychology can help companies create new products and marketing campaigns and increase profitability.

T-Shirt Takeaway

Let’s connect back to your new marketing director position at our startup T-shirt company. Since you identified that consumer behavior was not included in the original marketing strategy, you were able to differentiate customer segments and specifically target them through digital marketing campaigns with T-shirts that better fit their unique needs. As a result, your company’s sales increased by 25% in your first quarter of working with them. Your company joined the ranks of companies who outperform their competitors by 80% on the S&P 500 Index.5

Resources for Success

Sign up for the Association for Consumer Research Listserv to get the latest consumer behavior news.