Directions for Success in This Course
MyEducator MBA Prep courses are designed to help current and prospective MBA students gain the prerequisite knowledge and course credit to become competitive applicants for and students in MBA programs. By working through the material in MBA Prep: Accounting, you will learn the essential accounting principles that will help you become successful in business school and in the business world. Follow the guidelines below to make the best use of the learning materials in this course.
Master Each Chapter
MBA Prep: Accounting is divided into 12 different chapters. For each one, you will study the chapter to learn the material, complete practice problems to apply the material, and take a Knowledge Check to evaluate what you have learned.
1. Study the Chapter
Study the chapter thoroughly by reading the text, watching the videos, or both. After logging in to MyEducator, click on the Contents drop-down menu in the top left of the screen. Once you select a chapter to study, you can navigate among the different sections in the chapter using the table of contents on the left side of the screen.
If you want to read a section, just scroll down the screen. It might be a good idea to quickly scan the written material to get an idea of what is being covered, then go back and read more in depth.
If you want to watch or listen to the video lectures, just click on the Play arrow in the video box. If you feel that the video is too fast or too slow, you can change the speed by clicking on the settings icon in the video box, then selecting your desired speed.
Review the PowerPoint slides that match the video narrative for each section of the course. Click on the Course menu in the top right corner of the screen, then select Materials. Scroll down to the section labeled “PowerPoint Slides.” Here you can download a PDF of the PowerPoint slides for each chapter. These slides contain a nice summary of the key points of the study assignments. They also are a nice tool for note‐taking if you decide to watch or listen to the video clips.
2. Complete the Practice Problems
Completing practice problems and comparing your answers with the solutions provided will reinforce the key points in the MyEducator chapter. You can access these practice problems and solutions in two ways. First, a download link is located underneath the Key Points in the first section of each MyEducator chapter. Second, the practice problems and solutions can be found by clicking the blue buttons labeled “Questions,” “Exercises,” and “Problems” at the bottom of most sections, just before the Quick Check assessment. Some sections also include a “Work-Thru” or “Walk-Thru” video demonstrating how to complete one of these practice exercises.
3. Complete a Knowledge Check
After you have studied the material and completed the practice problems, you are ready to take a Knowledge Check. Note that there are three Knowledge Checks (A, B, and C) for each chapter. You can choose to do any or all of them. For each chapter, start by completing Knowledge Check A, which is embedded in the last section of the chapter. If you miss several questions or if you feel you need to review certain concepts, go back and study the material again, then go to the Assessments page to take a second Knowledge Check. Based on your results, you may want to study the material one more time and go to the Assessments page to take a third Knowledge Check. These assessments are open note, so it makes sense to take good notes as you study each chapter in MyEducator.
To take a Knowledge Check, click on the Course drop-down menu in the top right corner of the screen and select Assessments. Click on the appropriate Knowledge Check link in the list to launch the assessment. After you have worked through the assessment, verify that you have indicated a response to each question and that you have not accidentally changed any of your responses. Click the Submit Assessment button at the bottom of the screen to submit the assessment.
You will then be shown your results, along with the correct answers to the questions you missed. Use these results to help you determine which parts of the chapter you need to review and whether you need to take a second or third Knowledge Check.
Best Practices
In summary, follow these best practices to master the material in each chapter and prepare for the final exams:
Read through or watch the material in the chapter.
Complete the practice problems and review the solutions.
Choose and complete one of the Knowledge Checks (A, B, or C) for that chapter.
Use your results on the Knowledge Check to tell you which items you need to study more. Do that additional study.
If needed, choose and complete another Knowledge Check for that chapter.
If needed, study the material again based on your results and then complete the third Knowledge Check for that chapter.
Prepare for the Post-Tests
The Knowledge Checks are intended to help you evaluate your understanding of the material in each chapter, whereas the Post-Tests allow you to demonstrate that understanding. This course contains two Post-Tests, one after Chapter 6 that covers financial accounting and one after Chapter 12 that covers managerial accounting. Do NOT take a Post-Test until you have sufficiently prepared yourself by studying ALL of the chapters covered in that Post-Test.
Each Post-Test contains 30 questions. Once you launch a Post-Test, you will have two hours to complete it. As with the Knowledge Checks, the Post-Tests are open note.