Practice Enhancing a Document

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Task 1: Insert the QuickStoveTitle picture you downloaded and saved to your computer. Insert it at the top of the page at the beginning of the first paragraph.

Choose “Picture” from the “Insert” ribbon, then locate the folder on your computer where you saved the downloaded file. Select the QuickStoveTitle file and click “Insert.”

Task 2: Change the graphic so that the layout option is not “In Line with Text” but is “With Text Wrapping” with the text above and below (“Top and Bottom” option).

Select “Top and Bottom” from the “Position” menu.

Task 3: Center the image above the text by selecting “Center at Top with Square Text Wrapping” using the “Position” icon on the “Format” ribbon. (Note: Sometimes Word has a delay of a few seconds when completing this operation.)

Task 4: Consistent with stoves that use flames, the page color will look good in orange. To change the page color, from the “Design” ribbon first ensure that the color theme is the standard Office set of theme colors by selecting the “Colors” icon and choosing “Office.” Then click the “Page Color” icon, choose the orange theme color (sixth column), and click the second from the bottom color, “Orange Accent 2, Darker 25%.” (Note: Sometimes Word has a delay of a few seconds when completing this operation.)

Task 5: While you are still on the “Design” ribbon, add a page border. Select a single line border and select the “Box” style of border. You can set the line weight to any setting you prefer. The figure below shows the line weight at 1 point.

Select “Page Border,” “Box” and set the line weight.

Task 6: The seven unique cooking positions will look better on the flyer if they are displayed in a text box. From the “Insert” ribbon, insert the text box and add it to the document. Use the “Retrospect Sidebar” text box. (You will need to scroll down to find this option. They are listed in alphabetic order.)

Task 7: Select the text box, grab the border, and position the text box to the right of the text so that it is on the right side of the page. Also keep the right edge inside the border you previously created, and position it directly below the QuickStove title graphic.

Task 8: First, replace the title placeholder with the title “Unique Cooking Positions.” Select the title text Unique Cooking Positions. Cut the text and paste it into the sidebar title placeholder. (Hint: Make sure the placeholder is selected before you paste.)

Task 9: Enter the rest of the text in the text box. Cut the text from the main page and paste it into the text placeholder. Be sure the text placeholder is selected before you paste. There are three heading lines. Underline these three lines (1) Large Pot—Upright Stove, (2) Small Pot—Upside down Stove, and (3) For Grilling—Closed Stove. Ensure that the text has a font size of 12 point. Shorten the text box to be only large enough to display the text. In other words, remove the empty space at the bottom of the text box.

Select the cooking positions at the bottom of the document. Cut the text and paste it in place of the placeholder text in the text box.

Task 10: There are seven unique cooking positions for the stove. Make these seven positions into a numbered list. To do this, select the first three items under Large Pot—Upright Stove. Press the “Numbering” button. (You might also want to decrease the indent to make the numbers display on the left margin within the text box, to use the space more effectively.) Select the second three items under Small Pot—Upside down Stove and select the “Numbering” button. Notice that the numbers start over again at 1. To fix this, you can click on the numbering icon that appears and select “Continue”, or you can open the “Numbering” drop-down and select “Set Numbering Value.” Change the value to 4 and click “OK.” Repeat this process to set the last item to be number 7.

Task 11: There is still a lot of empty space on the main portion of the flyer, and the text is hard to read on the dark orange background. To fix this, change the font size to 20 point and change font color to white.

Select all the text in the document except the text in the text box. Select “20” from the “Font Size” drop-down and select “White” from the “Font Color” option.

Task 12: To make the features stand out, make a bulleted list of the items listed under the Features paragraph. Add the bulleted list by selecting the three lines under Features and clicking the “Bullets” icon on the “Home” ribbon.

Task 13: There is still some space available, and it would be helpful to have a picture of the stove on the flyer. To add the picture, place the insertion point in front of the T in The Cube Stove at the beginning of the second paragraph. Insert the QuickStove picture you downloaded and saved to your computer. Wrap the text to the right of the picture by right-clicking on the picture and selecting “Square” from the “With Text Wrapping” area. Do not resize the image.

Task 14: Make sure the entire flyer, with the images, text, and text box, fit on one page. You may need to resize the text box, resize the image of the stove, or make sure the margins are set to narrow (0.5 inches).

Task 15: Save your document and then navigate to the “Assignment” ribbon and submit your work.