11.8 Discussion and Practice
Applying the principles of control, what is something you do every single day that you expect to have the same outcomes? Do you always get the results that you expected? For instance, people tend to follow the same path when they mow their lawns. What are some factors that either altered or could alter your expected outcome?
On your laptop, go to the website www.speedtest.net. Run ten internet speed tests using the default server suggested by the website. Then click on “Change Server” and select another server of your choice, run another series of ten internet speed tests. What do you observe? Is there anything you can think of that might explain the differences you see?
Extending your data from above, try repeating what you did above at:
Different times of the day (10am vs. 10pm).
Different distance from your WiFi router.
Different devices (e.g., mobile phone and laptop)
Why do you think the differences exist for all of the above scenarios? If you were to participate on a teleconference via Zoom or Microsoft Teams, which combination in terms of time, device, and distance from WiFi router would you choose? Why?
Think about your trips to the grocery store. Map out your route going to the grocery store, shopping, checking out, and coming back home. What are some potential issues you might encounter that would result in an undesirable outcome such as coming home late or not being able to buy everything on your shopping list? What are some solutions you can implement specific to each issue that could ensure that your grocery shopping results in being able to buy everything on your list, within budget, and still be home on time?
Go to www.topclassactions.com and look at the list of class action lawsuits. Most of these lawsuits are the result of either product or service failures. Can you spot some overall themes or trends in terms of why the products or services failed? How many of these product/service failures are preventable? How?